During nokul we’ve heavily implemented PostgreSQL features into our Rails application. Unfortunately, ActiveRecord doesn’t come with constraint support for PostgreSQL, but rein does a fantastic job covering what’s missing in ActiveRecord. We believe that, one shouldn’t rely on a web application, that is very prone for human-error, when it comes to data integrity. Therefore our PostgreSQL tables included various constraints and limits.

Below you will find a set of rules that we’ve investigated, implemented and battle tested with various types.

String Type

  • Do not use limit: N in migrations for string type. Instead, use add_length_constraint.

  • If you aren’t sure about the length of a string field, add 255 limit in the constraint, similar to the MySQL approach:

    add_length_constraint :table, :column, less_than_or_equal_to: 255
  • If length of an attribute is constant, consider using equal_to:

    add_length_constraint :users, :id_number, equal_to: 11
  • Do not use text type in migrations. Instead use string type and add_length_constraint with 65535 limit, similar to the MySQL approach. This will protect you from cells with crazy amount of data:

    add_length_constraint :decisions, :description, less_than_or_equal_to: 65535
  • Use presence and unique constraints whenever necessary:

    add_presence_constraint :countries, :name
    add_unique_constraint :users, :email

varchar VS varchar(n) VS char VS text

  • PostgreSQL doesn’t have a limit for string type by default. Technically, one can insert gigabytes of data into a string field, therefore we’ve adopted a hard limit, 65535, similar to the MySQL approach.
  • There isn’t a performance or size difference between varchar (n) and text in PostgreSQL.
  • varchar(n) LOCKs the table in case of a change, that often causes downtimes. Therefore limits shouldn’t be added to the column, instead they should be added as a CHECK.

Integer Type

  • Do not use limit: N in migrations for integer type.

  • Integers attributes often expected to return 0, instead of nil in case of non-existence. Therefore, add a null_constraint if you don’t have a good reason not to:

    add_null_constraint :users, :articles_count
  • Defining a default value (often 0) will make sense most of the time. Also add a null_constraint together with the default value:

    t.integer :articles_count, default: 0
    add_null_constraint :users, :articles_count
  • Add a numericality_constraint constraint, if you aren’t planning to accept a negative value in the column:

    add_numericality_constraint :users, :articles_count,
                                        greater_than_or_equal_to: 0
  • For numbers with exact upper and lower bounds, add numericality_constraint:

    add_numericality_constraint :articles, :month,
                                            greater_than_or_equal_to: 1,
                                            less_than_or_equal_to: 12
    add_numericality_constraint :articles, :year,
                                            greater_than_or_equal_to: 1950,
                                            less_than_or_equal_to: 2050

Float Type

  • float: Useful when accuracy isn’t very important and when you’re only interested in 3-5 numbers after the comma. Also useful when you are running complex arithmetic with these numbers.

  • decimal: Useful when accuracy is very important (as in money), even more important than the performance.

  • For both types, always add null_constraint if you’ve defined a default value:

    t.decimal :min_credit, precision: 5, scale: 2, default: 0
    add_null_constraint :course_types, :min_credit
  • For both types, add a numericality_constraint if you aren’t accepting negative values:

    add_numericality_constraint :course_types, :min_credit,
                                               greater_than_or_equal_to: 0
  • Often a float or decimal attribute isn’t expected to return nil in case of non-existence, instead, they’re expected to return 0. Therefore, add a null_constraint if you don’t have a good reason not to do so:

    add_null_constraint :course_types, :min_credit

Float & Decimal

There are some differences between float and decimal in PostgreSQL. First of all, let’s start with checking what Rails produces for each type:

t.float :incentive_point

| Column          | Type             | Nullable |
| --------------- | ---------------- | -------- |
| incentive_point | double precision |          |
t.decimal :min_credit, precision: 5, scale: 2

| Column | Type         | Nullable |
| ------ | ------------ | -------- |
| credit | numeric(5,2) |          |

So, types in Rails converted into the following types in PostgreSQL:

  • float -> double_precision
  • decimal -> numeric(x, y) & decimal(x, y)

If we dig into these types in PostgreSQL:

| name             | size     | description | range                                                                       | in-rails |
| ---------------- | -------- | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
| decimal (p, s)   | variable | exact       | p(total digits), s(digits after decimal point), max(p)=131072, max(s)=16383 | decimal  |
| numeric (p, s)   | variable | exact       | p(total digits), s(digits after decimal point), max(p)=131072, max(s)=16383 | decimal  |
| double-precision | 8-bytes  | inexact     | 15 significant digits, unlimited size                                       | float    |


  • decimal and numeric types are the same in PostgreSQL.
  • decimal and numeric types are exact, but double-precision is inexact.
  • decimal and numeric types have some limits, while double-precision can be unlimited.


exact types store the data as it’s submitted, however inexact types aren’t. Therefore, numberic type should be preferred in cases where precision is important.

Boolean Type

  • Always add a null_constraint for boolean columns:

    add_null_constraint :students, :active
  • Always add a default value for boolean columns:

    t.boolean :students, active: false

A boolean field often isn’t expected to return nil. For example:

Student.where(active: nil).count => 50
Student.where(active: false).count => 40
Student.where(active: true).count => 60

In this case, it’s very hard to tell how many students are active, and how many of them aren’t. The data shown above needs to be corrected to before analyzed. Therefore, stick with the two rules explained here.

Reference Type

  • Use null: false for foreign_key columns, if there is no optional: true relation in between:

  • Add foreign_key constraint to ensure referential integrity:

    t.references :unit,
      null: false,
      foreign_key: true
  • Add foreign_key constraints directly to the column, instead of as a CHECK, as these columns typically not expected to change very often.
